Key AI Researchers grouping by area of expertise and highlighting key contributions:
Foundational Figures (Pioneers and Early Influencers):
- Alan Turing: Father of theoretical computer science and AI; Turing Test.
- John McCarthy: Coined "artificial intelligence"; Lisp programming language.
- Marvin Minsky: AI pioneer; Perceptrons, Society of Mind theory.
- Karen Spärck Jones: Information retrieval and NLP; Term weighting.
- Patrick Winston: AI and cognitive science; Story understanding.
Deep Learning:
- Geoffrey Hinton: Godfather of Deep Learning; Neural networks, backpropagation.
- Yoshua Bengio: Deep learning leader; Neural networks, representation learning.
- Yann LeCun: CNNs pioneer; Computer vision.
- Ian Goodfellow: GANs; Image/video generation.
- Ruslan Salakhutdinov: Deep learning and probabilistic modeling.
- Simon Osindero: Deep learning and reinforcement learning.
- Nando de Freitas: Machine learning and deep learning.
Machine Learning (General):
- Judea Pearl: Bayesian networks; Causal inference.
- Andrew Ng: Co-founded Coursera; Machine learning, deep learning.
- Michael I. Jordan: Machine learning, statistics, AI.
- Daphne Koller: Co-founded Coursera; Probabilistic graphical models.
- Pedro Domingos: Machine learning, data mining.
- Vladimir Vapnik: Statistical learning theory; SVMs.
- Zoubin Ghahramani: Probabilistic machine learning.
- Tom Mitchell: Machine learning; Mitchell's Version Space.
- Jennifer Chayes: Graph theory and machine learning.
- Christopher Bishop: Machine learning and pattern recognition.
- Mehryar Mohri: Machine learning and computational learning theory.
- Hal Daumé III: Machine learning and NLP.
- John Lafferty: Machine learning and computational biology.
- Carlos Guestrin: Machine learning and probabilistic graphical models.
- Andrew McCallum: Machine learning and NLP.
- Thomas Dietterich: Machine learning and AI.
- Eric Xing: Machine learning and statistical modeling.
- Zico Kolter: Machine learning and optimization.
- Ali Rahimi: Machine learning and optimization.
- Ben Recht: Machine learning and optimization.
- Moritz Hardt: Machine learning and fairness.
- Sanjeev Arora: Theoretical computer science and machine learning.
- Bo Li: Machine learning and security.
- Dawn Song: Machine learning and security.
- David Blei: Probabilistic modeling and machine learning.
- John Langford: Machine learning and online learning.
- Kilian Weinberger: Machine learning and deep learning.
Computer Vision:
- Fei-Fei Li: Computer vision and cognitive neuroscience.
- Sergey Levine: Robotics and reinforcement learning.
- Pieter Abbeel: Robotics and machine learning.
- Rob Fergus: Computer vision and machine learning.
- Serge Belongie: Computer vision and machine learning.
- Devi Parikh: Computer vision and NLP.
- Kate Saenko: Computer vision and machine learning.
- Kristen Grauman: Computer vision and robotics.
- Martial Hebert: Computer vision and robotics.
- Simon Prince: Computer vision and machine learning.
- Antonio Torralba: Computer vision and machine learning.
- Aude Oliva: Computer vision and cognitive science.
- Tomaso Poggio: Computational neuroscience and AI.
Natural Language Processing (NLP):
- Stuart Russell: AI; Rationality and decision-making.
- Oren Etzioni: CEO of Allen Institute for AI; Machine reading.
- Peter Norvig: Co-author of "AI: A Modern Approach"; NLP.
- Michael Collins: NLP and machine learning.
- Dan Jurafsky: NLP and computational linguistics.
- Christopher Manning: NLP and machine learning.
- Hanna Wallach: Bayesian machine learning and computational social science.
- Emily Fox: Probabilistic modeling and machine learning.
- Marti Hearst: NLP and information retrieval.
- Regina Barzilay: NLP and machine learning.
- Percy Liang: NLP and machine learning.
- Dan Klein: NLP and machine learning.
- Dan Roth: NLP and machine learning.
- Eduard Hovy: NLP and machine learning.
- Ray Mooney: Machine learning and NLP.
- Sebastian Thrun: Robotics and autonomous vehicles.
- Rodney Brooks: Robotics; Behavior-based robotics.
- Ruzena Bajcsy: Robotics and computer vision.
- Leslie Kaelbling: Reinforcement learning and robotics.
- Daniela Rus: Robotics and AI.
- Odest Chadwicke Jenkins: Robotics and AI.
- Michael Littman: Reinforcement learning and AI.
- Satinder Singh: Reinforcement learning and AI.
- Peter Stone: AI and robotics.
AI and Society (Ethics, Fairness, etc.):
- Cynthia Dwork: Differential privacy.
- Timnit Gebru: Fairness and accountability in AI.
- Kate Crawford: Social and political implications of AI.
- Joy Buolamwini: Bias in facial recognition.
Reinforcement Learning:
- Demis Hassabis: Co-founded DeepMind; Reinforcement learning.
- Jürgen Schmidhuber: LSTM networks.
- Richard Sutton: Reinforcement learning; Temporal-difference learning.
- Max Jaderberg: Reinforcement learning and deep learning.
- Joelle Pineau: Reinforcement learning and robotics.
- Doina Precup: Reinforcement learning and AI.
- Richard S. Sutton: Reinforcement learning and AI.
Cognitive Science and AI:
- Joshua Tenenbaum: Cognitive science and AI.
- Josh Susskind: Cognitive science and AI.
- Noah Goodman: Cognitive science and AI.
- Martha Pollack: AI and cognitive science.
Other Areas:
- Jürgen Schmidhuber: Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks.
- Eric Horvitz: AI and decision-making under uncertainty.
- Harry Shum: Computer vision and AI.
- Kevin Murphy: Probabilistic graphical models and machine learning.
- Simon Prince: Computer vision and machine learning.
- Barbara Grosz: NLP and multi-agent systems.
- Barbara Engelhardt: Machine learning and computational biology.
- Jennifer Wortman Vaughan: Machine learning and computational social science.